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The Full Story

Luther Martin Evangelistic Association 

Our purpose is to ignite and sustain evangelistic efforts that bring hope, transformation, and spiritual awakening to individuals and communities worldwide. Rooted in the belief that every person is worthy of God's love and redemption, we are committed to sharing the transformative message of Jesus Christ, empowering individuals to encounter Him, grow in their faith, confess Him as their Savior, and become agents of positive change in their spheres of influence. Through evangelism, discipleship, and community reintegration initiatives, we seek to illuminate the path to spiritual wholeness, equipping individuals to rebuild, restore, and thrive in God's grace.”



Evangelist Luther Martin

The mission of Luther Martin Evangelistic Association originated during an ordination service for Evangelist Martin. When asked what he desired from ministry, Luther's response was clear: "That souls be saved!"

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We believe in the transformative power of Jesus Christ's salvation, offering hope, redemption, and new life to all who confess Him as Savior.


 We are committed to pursuing a clear and compelling vision of God's purpose for our lives and ministry, guided by faith and inspired by His calling.


 We embrace the truth that through Christ, we are more than conquerors, overcoming sin, adversity, and challenges to live in victory and freedom.


We strive to live holy and righteous lives, turning away from sin and embracing God's standards of purity, integrity, and righteousness.


We believe in experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promises, characterized by joy, peace, fulfillment, and abundance in every area of life.


Our Mission

Through evangelism, discipleship, and community initiatives, we bring hope, healing, and restoration to individuals and communities worldwide, catalyzing spiritual renewal and revival for the glory of God. We are committed to helping individuals encounter Jesus Christ, grow in their faith, and confess Him as their Savior, leading to transformed lives and communities.

Our Vision

Through our evangelistic endeavors and robust discipleship initiatives, we aspire to witness countless lives being transformed, families being reconciled, and communities being revitalized by the life-changing message of the gospel. Our vision transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences, encompassing all nations and peoples, as we diligently pursue the fulfillment of the Great Commission and the establishment of God's kingdom here on earth.

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